Mahim Mahbub

Software Engineer

Hello, I am Mahim Mahbub !!
I am a CSE graduate with 3+ years of SWE experience !

I currently work as a Software Engineer with the Invoice Processing Team of MarginEdge
Received my Bachelors in Science from the Department of CSE, BUET.
Interests lie in Software Engineering, Applied Machine Learning and Systems & Security

Last Updated: May 26, 2024


Software Engineer

Working as a Software Engineer (full-stack) for the Invoice Processing Team of MarginEdge, contributing to both the Enterprise application as well as the new Invoice Processing Microservice

  • Developed the feature "Automation of Initial Phase Invoices", saving 1.8 mins of user per invoice and increasing automation by 22.5%
  • Designed DynamoDB entities for "Initial Phase Invoice Automation" by optimizing data partitioning using effective sort keys
  • Implemented AWS Lambdas for the feature "Data-Driven Automation of line items", increasing automation coverage by 12%
  • Developed the feature "Automation of processing Credit Invoices" using effective regular expressions, reducing the average number of altered line items per invoice by 50%
  • Refactored an in-house CDK repository to minimize the amount of AWS resources created during development by 80%
  • Integrated with LaunchDarkly using custom contexts for improved feature flagging, reducing database load by more than 20%
  • Designed and developed 4+ REST API endpoints, and enhanced Saga steps using AWS step functions for the microservice
  • Introduced Object Mother design pattern in unit tests during Test-Driven Development, reducing redundant code by 15%
  • September, 2023 - Present

    Software Engineer

    Worked as a Software Engineer for SmartThings iOS, Samsung

  • Implemented > 20 new features
  • Resolved > 300 issues, including critical crash and release blocking issues
  • Developed a method to decrease building time of a module (reducing TAT of issues in the module by ∼ 30%)
  • Analyzed duplicate code using Lizard tool & reduced duplicate score from 5% to 0.8%
  • Increased unit test coverage of a module from < 75% to > 90% using XCTest framework
  • Top 90th percentile of code-reviewer in the team for 8+ consecutive months
  • Followed MVVM-C design pattern, and used different frameworks including UIKit, ReactiveSwift, ReactiveCocoa, SwiftUI, Combine, AVFoundation & NetworkExtension while maintaining features
  • Developed REST APIs of an internal live-stream based web application using Flask, Python
  • Designed and implemented frontend of the internal web application using React
  • Authored multiple solutions in Java for Annual Coding Contest
  • Attained Professional Level Software Certification (SWC) from Samsung in July, 2022
  • Received Icon Engineer Award on March, 2023
  • Received Award of Excellence on Q4, 2022

  • March, 2022 - August, 2023

    Junior Software Engineer

    Worked as a Jr. Software Engineer for Machine Translation project

  • Experimented with various DL architectures for machine translation using PyTorch
  • Implemented server side scripts using Python and Bash
  • Designed, implemented and tested the first version of the cross-platform Mobile App
  • Used Flutter to implement the codebase and ObjectBox to efficiently store data
  • February, 2021 - September, 2021


  • Md. Rafi Ur Rashid, Mahim Mahbub , and Muhammad Abdullah Adnan, 2022
    BAND: A Benchmark Dataset for Bangla News Audio Classification.
    In ACM Multimedia Asia (MMAsia ’21). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, Article 45, 1–6.
    [pdf] [code]

  • Mahim Mahbub, Zahin Wahab, Rezwana Reaz, M Saifur Rahman, Md Shamsuzzoha Bayzid,
    wQFM: highly accurate genome-scale species tree estimation from weighted quartets,
    Bioinformatics, Volume 37, Issue 21, 1 November 2021, Pages 3734–3743,
    [pdf] [code]

  • Education

    Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET)

    Obtained Degree: Bachelor of Science
    Subject: Computer Science and Engineering (CSE)
    CGPA: 3.93/4.00 (Ranked 4th in a class of 143 graduating students)

    Relevant courses: Data Structures & Algorithms, Software Engineering, Object Oriented Programming, High Performance Database, Networking, Security, Bioinformatics, Discrete Mathematics, Operating Systems, Compiler, Machine Learning, Artifical Intelligence

  • Undergraduate thesis got published in Bioinformatics journal
  • Received Dean's List & University Merit awards for all semesters
  • Champion team in Idea contest & 2nd runner up in Poster competition

  • February, 2021

    British Council, Bangladesh

    Obtained Degree: Pearson Edexcel International Advanced Level (IAL)
    Grade: 3 A
    Subjects: Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics

    Highlights: Edexcel High Achiever’s awards (World Highest) in Physics and Chemistry

    January, 2015

    British Council, Bangladesh

    Obtained Degree: International General Certificate of Secondary Education
    Grade: 5 A*, 1 A
    Subjects: Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics-B, Pure Mathematics, English, Bengali
    Highlights: Edexcel High Achiever’s award (World Highest) in Mathematics-B
    January 2013


    Technical Skills
    Communication Skills

    Software & Hardware Projects

    Medical Imaging Web Application - Proxmed
  • Designed and developed an end-to-end 2D medical imaging application using proprietary file format and custom metrics
  • Implemented REST APIs using NodeJS and Express, while developed the frontend using Svelte and VTK.js
  • Led a team of three to successfully deliver the first iteration, well before the scheduled deadline

  • Censorship Analyzer
  • Developed an interactive tool to detect methods of censorship and display different statistics for the censored url(s)
  • Implemented various network based modules in Python using scapy, tshark, and TOR API
  • Used Django for Web Platform, Java/JavaFX for Desktop Platform and SQLite as Database Backend

  • Comprehensive Analysis of CoMP Networks
  • Developed codebase to perform simulations for 5G-CoMP networks under various conditions including Conventional, Dynamic Point Selection (DPS) and Joint Transmission (JT)
  • Introduced and experimented with new metrics to efficiently model the scenario of call drop

  • Hall Management System
  • Designed and developed a fully functioning University Hall Management System for Desktop Application
  • Implemented efficient DBMS queries using PL/SQL with Oracle Database and used JavaFX for user friendly UI

  • C Language Compiler
  • Developed a compiler for a subset of C language covering variables, conditions, functions and symbol table.
  • Performed lexical analysis using Flex and syntactic analysis using Bison.

  • Remote Control Car using Hand Gestures

    A project to remotely control a car using hand gestures using ATMega-32, Sonar Sensor, RF encoder-decoder
    Click to check Video Demo


    Research Interests

    Hobbies and Other Interests


  • Won the Icon Engineer Award for outstanding contributions in March, 2023 - Samsung R&D Institute Bangladesh
  • Won the Award of Excellence for outstanding contributions in Q4, 2022 - Samsung R&D Institute Bangladesh
  • Attained Professional Level Software Certification - Samsung R&D Institute Bangladesh, 2022
  • Dean's List Awardee for all terms of Undergraduate Program - BUET, 2016 - 2022
  • University Merit Scholarship Awardee for all terms of Undergraduate Program - BUET, 2016 - 2022
  • Champion Team in COVID-19 Idea Contest - IEEE Computer Society, BUET, 2022 [GitHub]
  • Second Runner-Up in Poster Competition on Green Technology - BRIS, 2022 [GitHub]
  • Edexcel High Achiever’s awards (World Highest) in A Levels Chemistry & Physics - Pearson Edexcel, 2015
  • 9th place holder in 6th Bangladesh Chemistry Olympiad - Bangladesh Chemical Society, 2014
  • Edexcel High Achiever’s awards (World Highest) in O Levels Mathematics B - Pearson Edexcel, 2013

  • Extra-Curricular Activities

  • Contributed to open source (30+ PRs in
  • Authored multiple solutions in Java for Samsung Annual Coding Contest
  • Contact
